Sunday, December 7, 2014

Star of Bethlehem

What was it?

Encyclopedia Britannica lays out some of the more popular (naturalistic or hypernatural) theories here.

The spectacular conjunction of Venus and Jupiter, and the multiple, unique conjunctions of Jupiter and the star Regulus, all of which took place in 3/2 BC, happens to be my favorite theory. Here's a fairly recent article on the topic. Incidentally, there is historical evidence of a significant enrollment/registration in this area of the world during this time, and the majority of ancient Christian historians placed Christ's birth in this time window.

Last week, an astronomer whom I follow in science-faith matters, presented new evidence for his favored theory:  a recurring nova.

And of course, some of the faithful believe it was simply a one-time supernatural manifestation of God's glory, unexplainable by science.

Here's some beautiful music to bring the sacred story to life:

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