Tuesday, July 31, 2012

90 days

...till All Hallow's Eve. 60 days till the first decoration goes out for the yard haunt. Less than a week till this year's Halloween decorations hit some of the major retail stores. Now the anticipation begins to build.

Image Source

Monday, July 23, 2012


Picked this up in someone's curbside trash pile while taking a walk during the evening yesterday.  Not sure exactly how we'll implement it in Spirit Grove 2: an enchanted forest, but it's so unique, we'll figure something out. Maybe we can build a wire arm & hand for the enchantress and fill it with lanterns for her to carry. Or, what if she carried some black fruit in it? Or, what about putting a bunch of dead bouquets in it for her to carry, as if she was putting them on each tombstone?  Or, we could just put the basket down on the ground, by the enchantress, filled with any of the aforementioned items. Building a wire limb may be pretty difficult.

I'll spray paint the leaves black and add some glitter

Sunday, July 22, 2012

100 Days

till All Hallow's Eve. 70 days till the first decoration goes out for Spirit Grove II: an enchanted forest. 2 weeks or less before the first Halloween decorations start hitting the stores.

Image Source

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Permission Granted

Mother in Law Holidays has agreed to allow me to put up a Halloween wreath on the front door of her house for this year's yard haunt.  We've never had a wreath before, so this will be a nice addition.

Image Source:  This is not the wreath, but hopefully we can find something akin to this style

Also, she has kindly agreed to let me use several of her front yard garden stones to add to the tombstone tally, 7 of them to be precise. These will lie flat on the grass, unlike the others which will be vertically displayed, and they should add a nice, realistic touch. A bit of whitewash, maybe some water-based paint to write epitaphs, and a glowing lantern by each one could make for an even richer and more extensive graveyard scene.

Image Source:  These are not the stones, but they will look similar

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

3 1/2 Months Till Halloween

2 1/2 months till the first decoration goes out, and three weeks or less till this year's Halloween decorations start hitting the stores.

Image Source

Sunday, July 15, 2012


This year, we're trying to grow some of our own jack-o-lanterns. These sprouts are about three weeks old. We're hoping to get at least 3 or 4 miniature Jacko's, which we will carve, put tea lights in, and help line part of the walkway leading up to Mother in Law Holidays' front door.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Garden Ridge

Was just on Pumpkinrot's blog and was excited to see that a store named Garden Ridge is already putting out Halloween decorations.  I checked out their website and discovered there's actually a store in my city. Awesome! We'll be making a trip pretty soon.

PS I also noticed (via Pumpkinrot) that Michaels put out its Halloween decorations the first weekend of August last year. Looks like we may closer to the 2012 burst than I had originally thought.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Independence Day!

Celebrating 236 years of independence. I wonder what our nation's founders would think of our nation today. Would they be proud? Disappointed? Something to ponder.